The Ultimate Online Program for Self Defense

International Instructor Training

During your training to become an Instructor or Master Instructor, you will learn how to instruct groups or individuals (both civilians and law enforcement agencies) in the OLIVA Combat System. You will also develop professionally and garner instruction experience in the OLIVA program and learn all the indispensable principles, training modules, tactics, techniques and philosophies that are based on 3 principles: “Functional, simple and effective”.

You will reach the heights of glory as Instructor or Master and become a role model. You will achieve various dans to expand and consolidate your knowledge and skills. The OLIVA training program focuses on the defensive and offensive tactics and techniques employed by security agents, law enforcement agents and the military.

Benefits infrastructure

Benefits infrastructure

Benefits infrastructure



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All rights reserved by Salvatore OLIVA and OLIVA Combat System. Injuries of copyright will be internationaly criminaly tracked.

The use of all O.C.S. video is permitted only for the purchaser`s personal use exclusively. Any unauthorized duplication, distribution, reproduction, rent, sale and any projections in all places for any public of all OLIVA Combat System (O.C.S.) promos, trailers and online videos as a whole or their parts, name as well as all parts of logo OLIVA Combat System in all kinds of social media, internet or retail is strictly prohibited by law.

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All OLIVA Combat System promos, trailers and videos contain images or ideas that may shock the viewer and techniques that can result in serious physical injury or death, and is presented ONLY for interteinmant purpose and not for any other purpose. O.C.S. and individuals involved in the production and those demonstrating their skills disclaim any responsibility regarding your use of all this content. We are not responsible for your actions.

 Before beginning any techniques and exercise program you should consult your physician. Practice these techniques, methods and exercise program always under the guidance of official, acknowledged and qualified instructor only. Do not view or practice this content if you are not of legal age.

Never train with any real weapon. Real weapon or hand to hand combat techniques involve inherent and unavoidable risk. Real weapon are dangerous and abviously, serious injury and death can result from any real weapon and hand to hand combat techniques use. If you are not willing and able to take responsibility for your action, do not handle any real weapon and hand to hand combat techniques use. Never train with real firearm except in an official and acknowledged shooting range and always under the guidance of official, acknowledged and qualified shooting instructor only and always follow all the firearms safety rules.

When considering the application of any technique, you must be aware of what action may constitute „REASONABLE FORCE“ and „EXCESSIVE FORCE“. Consult your local law enforcement agency. Laws vary in each state/country and jurisdiction. If you are a law enforcement officier, be familiar with your agency`s policies governing „USE OF FORCE“. Use the information on this videos at your own risk.

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 Remember that everything you are doing, will do or act must be done in a proper, correct and legal way according to the law of the country you act or going to act! You alone are responsible for your actions!


OLIVA Combat System International Instructor Program transforms your physical, mental and emotional weaknesses into abilities. The O.C.S. International Instructor Program leads you to a soaring International Instructor level. Dedicating to this training program will take your combat technic skills as well as your teaching methods to the highest level in this area.Get a first-class instructor training and expand your skills and abilities.


• Become a part of Oliva Combat international team.
• Start your Instructor Training now and learn evolution of the martial art tradition.
• Expand your carrer opportunities becoming an International Instructor or reach high for International Master.
• Become OLIVA Combat System Official Representative in your country.
• Enlarge your knowledge and magnify your skills.
• Step by step learning development with clear goals and measurable milestones.
• Well structured learning material as well as teaching schedule provided for future instructors.
• Access to the brand and legacy of internatially renomated OLIVA Combat System will open the doors and give new opportunities.
• Live your passion and turn your skills into a steady income.
• Start an exciting adventure and get a story of your life.



Note on OLIVA Combat System training:

• You will learn O.C.S. within a pragmatic and structured program which is essential for the training.
• During the training the philosophy, theory and practice of the O.C.S. program are taught, refined and expanded.
• Theoretical and practical contents are targeted and well coordinated with a focus on practical application.
• Information about development, professional instructor license, diplom and training of OLIVA Combat System Instructor.
• The instructor training level is of the highest quality and the training duration varies from person to person.
• Certified and licensed OLIVA Combat System Instructor obtains a wide range of career opportunities and development.

Black to Red Belt Ranking

Basic Instructor


Advanced Instructor 1°

Advanced Instructor 2°

Advanced Instructor 3°

1 - 2 Dan

3 – 4 Dan

5 – 8 Dan

9 Dan

Basic Instructor

In this level, the entire basic program will be specifically highlighted, through which the the instructor learns the basic fundamentals.


With the help of the instructor program, the instructor will integrate theoretical, strategic and tactical notions, as well as the four principles of combat distance.

Advanced Instructor 1°

The objective of the 1st instructor technical level is to learn the techniques of the program and know how to use them in combat defense.

Advanced Instructor 2°

In the 2nd technical level, the instructor's attributes are, once again, deepened and specifically refined.

Advanced Instructor 3°

The higher the level, the more developed the practice and knowledge of the instructor. This level will reinforce the entire philosophy, theory, technical and practical program and enable the instructor to master stress management, as well as his or her own emotions.

1 – 2 Dan Black Belt Expert Instructor

The instructor’s potential is reinforced and perfected and the qualities important to conveying knowledge are analysed, shaped and applied.

3 – 4 Dan Black Belt Full Instructor

The full instructor surpasses the various levels to expand and consolidate his knowledge and skills. At these levels, the entire philosophical, theoretical, tactical, technical and practical program is consolidated.

5 – 8 Dan Red and Black Belt SIFU / MASTER

You are, in the truest sense, a master of martial arts and of the P.D.S., P.L.E.T and C.A.T. systems. You also have an expert and perfect instruction concept/program, various qualities, techniques and tactics acquired through decades of practice. These qualities manifest themselves in an automatic reaction, rather than one controlled by the brain. At this level, the Master understands the philosophy and theory of the martial arts and of the P.D.S., P.L.E.T and C.A.T. systems, and also those of different styles of combat. This enables him, in contrast to other combat systems, to better understand and master his own style.


The Grand Master represents how well the bearers of these philosophical grades understand and are able to instruct the theories of martial art and of the P.D.S., P.L.E.T and C.A.T. systems. At this level, the Grand Master of the P.D.S. should be able to explain and resolve all technical problems concerning his own styles. Ultimately, the Grand Master represents the P.D.S., P.L.E.T., C.A.T. and, above all, the never-ending work on oneself.