
As Real as it gets


(for trained O.C.S. Instructors only!)

The OLIVA Combat System is not only a realistic self-defence system, it offers so much more. Combat Shooting is an additional part of the course for OLIVA Combat System instructors. Combat Shooting is an effective and combat-relevant training concept created to cover a range of different requirements. The aim is to elevate each and every individual or groups to the highest performance level.

Combat Shooting is taught in a professional combat hall by trained instructors who are actively engaged as police officers. The broad and contemporary experience this offers makes combat shooting extremely intense, high quality and sharp. Combat shooting attaches a great deal of importance to qualities and skills, such as perfect handling, precision, speed, correct positioning and footwork techniques. Both gun tactics and techniques, such as manipulation, as well as various skills levels and dynamic drills at close and long range, are trained even under stress. All this makes the shooter a true master of his trade.

Combat shooting comprises


Introduction to the theory
Storage and transport
Weapon dismantling and cleaning
Handling and holster techniques
Safety regulations
Manipulation and troubleshooting
Positioning and footwork
Shooting at range from 5m to 15m


Shooting from standard movement
Shooting at range from 5m to 20m
Introduction to combat shooting
Shooting from various positions
Development of the principles, qualities and skill


Manipulation/troubleshooting under difficult circumstances
Refinement of the principles, qualities and skills
Shooting at range from 5m to 30m
Shooting and close and long range under stress
Manipulation and troubleshooting on a time limit
Independent and safe manipulation and troubleshooting
Combat shooting from various positions and movements and much more with Executive Combat Shooting

Combat Shooting

Include everything in:

Executive Combat Shooting

Executive Level
Professional Level
Expert Level
Access to the Executive Combat Shooting course requires attendance on the Combat Shooting course.


Please read this warning of use carefully before watching any promos, trailers and online videos.

All rights reserved by Salvatore OLIVA and OLIVA Combat System. Injuries of copyright will be internationaly criminaly tracked.

The use of all O.C.S. video is permitted only for the purchaser`s personal use exclusively. Any unauthorized duplication, distribution, reproduction, rent, sale and any projections in all places for any public of all OLIVA Combat System (O.C.S.) promos, trailers and online videos as a whole or their parts, name as well as all parts of logo OLIVA Combat System in all kinds of social media, internet or retail is strictly prohibited by law.

The OLIVA Combat System (O.C.S.) is result of years of intensive international training and research as well as    development of the system – through the cause of this all online video packages or membership payments are final and we DO NOT ISSUE REFUNDS. After you have paid for online videos you will be granted access to the various online videos packages or membership and no refund will be possible afterwards.

By using this online video you agree to these warning/terms of use. If you do not agree to these Warning & Terms of  Use, please do not buy online videos.

All OLIVA Combat System promos, trailers and videos contain images or ideas that may shock the viewer and techniques that can result in serious physical injury or death, and is presented ONLY for interteinmant purpose and not for any other purpose. O.C.S. and individuals involved in the production and those demonstrating their skills disclaim any responsibility regarding your use of all this content. We are not responsible for your actions.

 Before beginning any techniques and exercise program you should consult your physician. Practice these techniques, methods and exercise program always under the guidance of official, acknowledged and qualified instructor only. Do not view or practice this content if you are not of legal age.

Never train with any real weapon. Real weapon or hand to hand combat techniques involve inherent and unavoidable risk. Real weapon are dangerous and abviously, serious injury and death can result from any real weapon and hand to hand combat techniques use. If you are not willing and able to take responsibility for your action, do not handle any real weapon and hand to hand combat techniques use. Never train with real firearm except in an official and acknowledged shooting range and always under the guidance of official, acknowledged and qualified shooting instructor only and always follow all the firearms safety rules.

When considering the application of any technique, you must be aware of what action may constitute „REASONABLE FORCE“ and „EXCESSIVE FORCE“. Consult your local law enforcement agency. Laws vary in each state/country and jurisdiction. If you are a law enforcement officier, be familiar with your agency`s policies governing „USE OF FORCE“. Use the information on this videos at your own risk.

Individuals involved in the production of this program and those demonstrating their skills assume no responsibility, no liability for any injury, death, loss, damage or expenses of any kind resulting from the execution of shooting, self defense/martial art techniques, methods, techniques, exercises and programm presented here.

 Remember that everything you are doing, will do or act must be done in a proper, correct and legal way according to the law of the country you act or going to act! You alone are responsible for your actions!

Obligatory equipment

Belt with holster
Ammunition is included in the course costs
Combat pants or suitable clothing and shoes
Ear defenders and safety goggles will be provided
Weapon hire option - Glock 17, Glock 19

Conditions of participation

For Trained O.C.S Instructor only!
25 to 55 year age limit
No previous convictions and current criminal register extract not more than 3 months old
Access to the Executive Combat Shooting course requires attendance on the Combat Shooting course.